Hello everyone!

Gomocup is a worldwide tournament of artificial intelligences (AI) playing gomoku. Gomocup was started in 2000 and takes place every year. The tournament has been held for 17 years. The aim of competitors is to program a computer artificial intelligence (AI) playing the gomoku game (also called Five in a Row, Connect 5 or Gobang) as good as possible. These gomoku AI's compete in a tournament every year. People from any country may participate!

April 2017 is coming and we would like to inform you about some details. Gomocup 2017 will take place on April 21st to April 23th 2017. The deadline for submitting your program is on the 14th of April 2017 at 23:59 pm UTC.

Compatibility requirement of Gomocup 2017 will be the same as that of 2016. If you are new to Gomocup, we strongly recommend to read compatibility details.

In accordance with Gomocup 2016, we will have tournaments for freestyle gomoku, standard gomoku, and renju in Gomocup 2017, and one author is allowed to submit different AIs for different rules, although one author is not allowed to submit more than one AI for one rule. Memory limit is determined to 350MB, time per move / per match will be 5s/120s for fast game, 300s/1000s for final leagues, and 30s/180s for the rest.

Since the Piskvork manager started to offer native support for hybrid programs from version 8.7 r28, and more and more programs started to support both platforms x86 and x64, we decide to change the limitation on AI size from 2 MB to 4 MB. For details, you can refer to detail information.

We are looking for sponsorship for Gomocup 2017, to support our web hosting fees and / or provide souvenirs for participants. If you are interested, please contact us: gomocup@gmail.com.

You could find more information on our website: http://gomocup.org/.

Kai Sun and Tianyi Hao
Gomocup organizers
Email: gomocup@gmail.com